Ninti Media - founded by Dan Clarke and Amy Pysden, South Australia, is our production partner during 2019; the 4-part series, Saving The Sanctuary; the ecologists documentary The True Roo Story; and biographical documentary about the green-fringe biodiversity activist Dr John Wamsley, The Wolf In Cat's Clothing.
Ninti Media Showreel from Ninti Media on Vimeo. |
Saving the Sanctuary preview from Ninti Media on Vimeo.
A 5 minute documentary produced by Ninti Media and executive production by Coriolis Films. Ecologists call for action to manage kangaroo over population and reduce their suffering. We are in production of a longer version which will feature ecologists who are supporting active management of suffering roo populations.
Coriolis Films executive producer. Australia Antenna nomination for community broadcasting documentaries. A 4-part series, aired originally on channel 44.